Make Tabs with Swipeable Layout using ViewPager2 and TabLayout Hello world, today we are going to see how to make a swipeable view using ViewPager2 and TabLayout. We will see how to use fragment and how to sync tab layout indicator with ViewPager2 swipes. We will set the tab layout title to the tabs and then inflate our views in viewpager. Let's look at the finished app in the below gif. To make the swipeable views, first, we need to add a required dependency for our project. Add Dependency for TabLayout Open your build.gradle file app level and in the dependency section and add these dependencies. We need this dependency to use TabLayout. After adding and syncing the project. Let's add TabLayout and ViewPager2 in our activity XML file. Add TabLayout and ViewPager2 in Activity XML Add the below code in the activity_main.xml or your activity xml file. In the above code, we have added the TabLayout with some attributes pro...